Home NEWS WEST AFRICA Segou Primary School of Engineering: Fanga School, marking the topography of Marikula!

Segou Primary School of Engineering: Fanga School, marking the topography of Marikula!

Segou Primary School of Engineering: Fanga School, marking the topography of Marikula!

During the official launch of the operation to identify public service agents of national and local authorities on Thursday, October 26, in Ségou, chaired by the Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maiga, the Minister of Reconstruction, PM, Head of State Ibrahim Ikassa Maiga visited the Junior Engineering School “Fanga School” at the invitation of its founder, Mr. Coulibaly.

Fanga School of Ségou, located in Sido Soninkoura district, is a junior engineering school that enrolls children (8 to 10 years old) from African countries such as South Africa, Ghana, and Benin.

At this junior engineering school, children are introduced to a variety of practical careers at an early age. We studied weaving, carpentry, masonry, pottery, metallurgy, market gardening, electronics (TVs, radios, computers), and even car mechanics.

Minister Ibrahim Ikasa Mejia visited with a guided tour. In his interactions with students, he said he was deeply impressed to see how skilled the children were in weaving, carpentry, pottery, electronics and more.

“Our country needs this. Assume that just learning someone else’s language for 12 years is of no use to us. Today we don’t need it anymore. If we can change our education system to include the subjects taught in Vanga schools Among them, I believe it will be good for everyone. Because our country will have enough intellectuals and professionals in the most practical areas of daily life,” said Minister Mecca.

The children sang patriotic songs in class after presenting the minister with two traditional cloth models woven by themselves as gifts. They expressed their willingness to participate in national construction together with patriots. before declaring that they would never be with those who undermine the country’s development efforts.

Minister Ibrahim Ikasa Mecca sincerely thanked Mr. Coulibaly for all his efforts and pledged to share his findings with his national education colleagues. He also reckons that what the promoters of Fonga School are doing could inform the debate on the future of education during Parliament.

Osman A. Morba/Wink

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